David wins Jaguar Lister Stealth + £70k

Dream Car Winner 559

David wins Jaguar Lister Stealth + £70k
  • 29 December 2020
  • 21-DEC TO 27-DEC-20

David was enjoying a walk in the freshly-landed snow earlier this morning when BOTB's Christian FaceTimed to let him know he’s the final Dream Car winner of the year, scooping the jaw-dropping Jaguar Lister Stealth, worth £110,000!

Aircraft mechanic David’s phone wouldn’t stop shaking as the news sank in… and it wasn’t due to the cold weather but the fact that this sensational SUV is just one of 100 being made, and boasts 666bhp!

And the good news didn’t stop there as David realised he’d also won the £50k that comes with every car and a further £20,000, making a total prize fund of £180,000! Single parent David immediately revealed he’d be taking his 15-yr old daughter on holiday to Florida and exclaimed: “2020 just got a whole lot better… I’ve got two miles left on my walk, but I think I’ll be skipping all the way home!” Congratulations David!