Michael wins Tesla Model 3 Performance + 20k

Dream Car Winner 515

Michael wins Tesla Model 3 Performance + 20k
  • 25 February 2020
  • 17-FEB TO 24-FEB 20

It was a little difficult for BOTB to surprise their winner of the dream car competition this week as, in Aberdeen, it was a bit snowy. So, BOTB flew lucky Michael down to London last night and put him up at the historic Great Fosters hotel near Heathrow. Early this morning, BOTB's Christian knocked on his door and led an excited Mike into the courtyard to reveal that as this week’s dream car winner he’d scooped the electrifying Tesla Model 3 Performance! “Wow, this is amazing!” exclaimed Mike,

Mike has dreamed of owning this car since it was launched, but with its £53,000 price tag it was out of his price range, so he’s ecstatic to now call himself the proud owner of one of these special vehicles. And the good news didn’t stop there as Christian opened the boot to reveal a suitcase of £20,000 cash as well! Massive congratulations Mike!